Figure 1 Possible Location for Left Hand Fork |
Previous to its new location in St. George, the ATSG included a Howe truss bridge and a steel arch bridge over Left Hand Fork. After a search of the virtual, yet to be created, terrain for a suitable location the bridges were located in the mountains over Left Hand Fork. The first photo shows the bridges sitting on the layout in a possible location for Left Hand Fork. At this stage in its development the roadbed and track were in place but no scenery. The second photo shows the same location but here the roadbed had been cut and terrain under the bridge lowered to create Left Hand Fork. The fascia was cut to accommodate the creek as it runs off the layout. The cardboard profiles that will support the scenery is in place. The third photo shows Left Hand Fork after the scenery was completed. In the early fall this creek is dry with water only during rain storms. Perhaps the rain will come and the creek will flow with water in the near future.
Figure 2 Terrain lowered and cardboard |
Construction details: Previous posts showed the spline roadbed used on for the ATSG. The bridges were already constructed, so a suitable location was identified where the spline was straight enough to accommodate the bridges. The length of each bridge was carefully measured and marked on the spline. Supports were added under the spline just before the cuts for the bridge. The spline was then cut out and supports for the bridges installed. The bridges were then carefully put in place and the track relaid through the them.
Figure 3 Start of Scenery at Left Hand Fork |
The bridges were installed in the spline before the scenery was in place. Obviously they looked a little out of place connecting two ends of the roadbed with no other visual means of support. The cardboard profile armature was then constructed around the bridges. The bridges were then removed and cheese cloth and plaster applied as described in previous posts. Rocks were hand carved into the cliffs on either side of the creek. The rock were then colored with a spray bottle with diluted paint matching our previously determined rock color. Rocks, consisting of broken bits of plaster, were then glued into the stream bed and colored in a similar way. The rocks were given variety by the application of powered pastel colors in earth tones. They were then sprayed with matte finish to protect the color and keep it from running. Then the shrubs, ground cover and trees were installed. Finally the autumn colors were added to give the look of early fall. Water will probably be added in the near future so that we can add some fishermen to the scene to give it more life.
This post is being updated June 11, 2014. The scenery is now finished on both sides of Left Hand Fork. This area appeared as in Figure 3 for almost 4 years until the construction of Echo Canyon. The scenery is now complete eastbound around the outside of the layout from Sulphur Gulch to Ascape to Left Hand Fork to Hidden Meadow. It is also complete westbound around the layout from East Tunnel via Echo Canyon via Left Hand Fork via Sage. The peninsula area formerly Tucker Junction has been renovated and is under construction for industrial section of the city of Tennsion and for the mine at Jerome. There is no finished scenery around the peninsula between Sage on upper main to Hidden Meadow on the lower main.
Figure 4 Water Stop and Maintenance Facility at Left Hand Fork |
The water tank is a early Campbell kit, the section house is scratch built from card stock.
Figure 5 The Howe Truss Bridge at Left Hand Fork |
The Howe Bridge is a Campbell kit. The steel arch bridge is scratch built from Micoengineering structural shapes.
Figure 6 The main and high line main crossing Left Hand Fork. |
The train on the steel arch bridge is westbound on the upper main. The train crossing the Howe bridge is eastbound on the lower main. These two trains can pass one another on the siding at Sage or the siding at Hidden Meadow.
Figure 7 Left Hand Fork |
Figures 4, 5, 6, and 7 all enhanced via Helicon Focus. See Post 30 and 34 for more details.